There is no time limit on coping. I have learned there are stages of coping.
For me there are days I can take things in with flare pain, go about
my day feeling happy go lucky...and somedays hard to accept that I am not able
to do what I did before my diagnosis.
The point I'm trying to make is ok to feel sad sometimes, but not to dwell
in it. I think we all have low days where a good cry is needed and there is nothing
wrong with that.
I do know that I have control over some situations like my eating habits and
learned that exercise is not optional. I know how bad I feel if I don't. I know
that hanging out with my friends makes me laugh. Although I no longer am able
to golf or play tennis with hubby we can still enjoy the outdoors together.
Realizing I'm more than my diagnoses has helped me cope.
Initially, I cried, I mourned and today I take one day at a time working on
acceptance...I just know that my attitude plays a big part of how I feel and
working to stay positive is a good thing.
Wishing wonderful days for us all!
Hugs, Robin