Yes my wonderful DD told me this morning she was proud of me, because no matter how much pain I am in I am still going to do my walk every morning. Another reason is I ha ve dropped one dress size and am well on my way to the next size now.
Which is a bit of a problem at present, I need new summer clothes as in need. We live a fairly active social life, we are both leaders in our church which means being there evrery Sunday if posible, also every Friday we are leaders of a over 50's group which is strange because when we started we where not even 40.
Then there are other things like our volenteer work, I have done two days in the last week because of illness. I will not be doing that again.
So now I need to think about how to buy the nes clothes I need, we have decided that to get them a bit tight might be the answer.
Once upon a time I used to ave troujble keeping weight on I ate like a horse just to stay a size 8 [Here that was as small as I could buy for a adult] And that was after having our 4 children.
For me it is Endep that piles my weight on.
So now I am going to work very hard to get back to a good size for my DD wedding on the 7th May 2011.
Fibro,CFS,IRB, Migraine