Hi, Starrman, and welcome! I'm so sorry you are having all these problems. Some of them can be fibro, your back, or a combination of the two. That's the problem with fibro. We have crazy things that happen and aren't sure why...and neither are the doctors!
I had bad lower back problems for quite a few years and then I learned how to get in and out of bed and in and out of the car correctly and that has helped me a lot. Maybe this could help you. You might know this already, too, but just in case.....
First of all, I do not sleep flat on my back because it makes my back hurt more. I don't sleep on my stomach either. I sleep on my sides with a pillow wedged behind my back. This way, I can partially be on my back but have support. That helps me. I also get out of bed using a cane. I roll on my side, draw my legs up in a sitting position so the legs are actually hanging over the floor, and then I push off with the cane. Gravity will bring your legs down and you will be pulled to a sitting position without using your back muscles.
When getting in and out of a car, sit on the seat with your feet on the pavement. Then, either using the seat or the steering wheel, swivel your feet into the car while keeping your back straight. I buy cars with leather seats because they are slippery. But, when I rent a car and get cloth seats I had to come up with another idea...and I did! I get a garbage bag and a towel. I lay the garbage bag on the seat and the towel over it. Then I do the above. The garbage bag and towel let your rear end swivel like you were on a lazy susan! LOL Just reverse the above to get out of the car.
Don't use your back muscles when you are lifting things up. Use your legs instead. By doing the above things, my back rarely hurts me now. I hope these suggestions will help you, too!
I have muscular pain in my back, shoulders and neck all of the time. I have a lot of pain when getting up in the morning and am very stiff from lying so long. Yes, the pain from fibro does move around and you can have the tingling, twitching and numbness, too. We are known to be great meteorologists because we can tell weather fronts approaching better than the weatherman! Rain, humidity, cold, etc. causes us to hurt more.
BUT be sure to check out the bathroom problem, blood in your stool, nausea, and stomach problems. Many here have irritable bowel syndrome. I have Crohn's disease. These intestinal problems need to be checked out. You should NOT have blood in your stool and you need to find out why. So please see your doctor about that, okay?
I know life can "suck" with fibro but it also can be great! You need to work on finding the right balance to help you control your pain. I take malic acid/magnesium supplements that have helped me a lot along with extra vitamin D3 because many of us are deficient in these vitamins and nutrients. Maybe these could help you. Also, if I headed to the gym to exercise, they would be carrying me out on a stretcher! You need to exercise with fibro but it has to be gentle exercises. I walk and swim for my exercise. The water exercise would be great for you because of your weightlessness in the water. It would be far easier on your back. Also, moist heat works great. Hot showers feel so good. Many here have a Bed Buddy. You can get these at Walgreen's and other places or you can make your own by taking a tube sock, filling it 2/3's full of raw long grain rice and tying a knot at the end of it. Pop it in the microwave and it gives off moist heat!
Be sure to check out Fibro 101...the first thread on the forum. There are links to good info about fibro and you will learn a lot. There are links to symptoms, malic acid/magnesium supplements and vitamin D3 supplements and how they work in your body, and also a link to some gentle stretching exercises that do help!
You are not worthless. You are ver special and I'm sure your wife knows that too. You didn't ask for these health problems. But, we can help you learn how to work around the pain and to continue to enjoy life. I have had a full and enjoyable life in spite of fibro. So dig out your positive attitude, face these problems head on, and go for it! You will be the winner in this struggle.
I'm so glad you found us and joined in. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. Sorry this was so long but you sounded like you needed help and reassurance! Hope to hear more from you soon.