Hi starrman, I was diagnosed in June of this year, but have not been able to work since dec of 08. It was really hard to reach the decision for me to apply for SSDI.
I did go ahead and apply just this last August. I decided to not get an attorney untill I'm turned down, I'm sure you have heard that just about everyone is the first time. I have read all the stuff on Allsup and like the fact that they specialixe in Fibro cases, so I may go with them.
I'm glad you joined us here, we do not have many men, and it will be good to hear how you are doing and managing this dragon of an illness. I think more men have it than we know, because from what I've heard many doctors believe it's rare for men to have fibro, and so they try to come up with some other kind of diagnosis.
My husband has so many of the symptoms too, and when he told his doctor it was just shrugged off. Maybe because My husband has alot of other medical issues like arthritis and DDD. But he really has so many fibro symptoms, I know if he was a woman he would get a definate diagnoses!
Take care and let us know how your doing.