Thank you so much for that advice. I do feel like I am whining and the doctors are just not listening to me. I will definitely take your advice to heart. I feel sometimes just weird trying to explain to the docs my symptoms because I feel as they are looking at me like I am exxagerating my symptoms or not real. Sometimes I feel guilty for complaining about my symptoms. But like so many on the forum, sometimes, I feel that there is much more than fibro with my symptoms but docs are just not listening. I asked my rheumatologists to run tests on me since it has been about year or more since the last testing and he stated it was not necessary because fibro is what it is and there isn't anything to do about it. This is when he decided to send me to a pain clinic. I feel like he just wants me to go away. He doesn't see me regularly either. He will see me in 6 months again. Is this odd? should I be looking for another rheumatologists?
p.s. To any on the forum, are your docs listening to your symptoms? Do your rheumatologists behave the way mine does? Are they all the same?
Thank you all for your support. Have a blessed night.