After reading all the posts regarding Costochondritis I really feel for you. My child was diagnosed by her pediatrician January 2009, at age 13, with Costochondritis. The condition has only gotten worse over time and I find it to be very debilitating. She has had the numerous doctors and appointments... pediatric rheumatologist, pulmonologist (checking for asthma and pulmonary functions test), Pain Management Physiatrists, having nuclear bone scan, echocardiogram, ultra sound, X-Rays, CT, MRI, multiple blood test checking all different levels and things I wouldn’t even know about, numerous medications, physical therapy….I am sure I am leaving some of the many appointments out…my point is we have been searching for something to make this better. Currently in November 2010 she received 7 shots in chest from Pain Management doctor and takes three different meds a day. It is so hard because it is diagnosed through symptoms; there is no blood test to tell you this is what you have. Also, there is really no good treatment. We were told 2 weeks to 2 months with the initial diagnoses and it is going on two years. My child has had to walk away from the sport she loves, sand he has been harassed by teachers and other students that do not understand this illness. I believe it has created anxiety because the pain scares her. We have ended up in emergency room for pain treatment several times because we could not get the pain to calm down, which we call a flare up. We know a flare up when the pain hurts so bad it radiates to her back and she can hardly walk due to pain. There she receives x-ray, toradol, morphine, steroids, and anti-nausea meds through IV. When the pain is really bad her chest will swell in the sternum area and actually change color to a hint of blue, almost indicating slight bruising. She works on homework and sits with an ice pack. This is a child who could never sit still, always was in sports, very competitive, and it has changed her life, and ours as well. It is so hard for a mother to watch her child struggle. Even when she is in pain I cannot even rub her chest for her. I just lay by her side and stroke her hair. I hope they are able to come up with a better treatment and/or cure for this someday!!!!!