Hello all:
I just wanted to know if anyone was from kentucky, i am orignally from kentucky and live in NC now for the past 20 years. I wanted to know if i would know anyone that is from kentucky that suffers from fibro/depression that i could post to. I am very homesick to move back, because all of my family is there, but my husband is from NC and all his family is here. My mother suffers from Fibro/ has a 3 lead pacemaker for atril vibalation(spelling may be wrong) she is soley dependant on the pacemaker to be alive and is only 62 yrs. old. She started with health problems in her late 30's and early 40's. My father has had a massive heart attack at the age of 36 and three open heart surgeries by the age of 65.
I have alot of genetic things against me here, but so far no heart issues thankfully!!! i would just like to know if anyone may be from my hometown area (Casey County) or even from (Somerset,KY). I hope if anyone is listening you will post me back so that we may be able to talk about home and suffering with this disease.
Thanks for listening!!