I'm sure everyone here probably has these days, but sometimes by verbalizing things it makes it easier to brush things off and move on. I am in a state of mind that reflects the "I just can't win..." feeling.
I don't even discuss fibro with most people, because they wouldn't have a clue what I was talking about
, but I have tried to educate my family and closest friends. For some reason, though, it seems like I just can't win. No matter what I say or do, it isn't right.
If I try to "explain" to them how I'm feeling on the "inside", then it's viewed as whining. I don't intend it that way, but I verbalize it in an attempt to explain my limitations or why I don't feel like I can do something (knowing that my body isn't going to hold up or the after effects are going to be so painful it isn't worth it.)
Other times, when trying to explain the debilitating effects of fibro, I hear from others "well, that's normal" and they act like I'm complaining about
nothing. (Example: sleep disorders, aches and pains, etc.) What they don't understand is I'm not talking a bout a little restless sleep; many of us with fibro are talking about
hours and hours of turmoil in bed at night -- where it hurts so bad you can't find a comfortable spot -- or where you toss and turn for hours on end and FINALLY get to sleep just when it's time to think about
getting up.
Or where it hurts so bad when you get up in the morning that you hobble, crouched over like a 90-year-old, just trying to get yourself to the bathroom. I'm told I should take an Advil or an Alleve and it'll be all better.
If only it was that simple... sigh......................................... right now I feel like I have been beaten with a baseball bat, or run over by a semi-truck. Anyone got an Advil? I'm sure that will do the trick. (eye roll)