Bridget, I was wondering the same thing. This might be strange but I've been researching different symptoms from people and I have seen little bits here and there about
really odd ones. So it's made me wonder if some of the issues I've had in the past 20 years have lead me to where I am now, probably not, just being!. I've had awful ear infections since I was a teenager, with varying types of issues, inner ear infections, a rash/peeling just inside the ear, clogging up with fluid, etc, and in the last 5 years I've had a lot of problems with my teeth (I have TMJ). It's weird! Another one I wonder about
is as long as I can remember my nose runs all the time, it's embarrassing, I go to kiss someone and i drip on them...yuck! But my sister who has fibro has the same problem, probably has nothing to do with anything else, just wondering what other unusual things everyone else has going on!