I posted a week or so ago with the doctor dismissing my fears for fibro / cfs because I am ''parenting'' children.
She had a trainee doctor in there and I started off with telling her about
my frequent Migraines.
I told her I have a friend (I didn't tell her there is a forum load, hehe!) that have CFS/ Fibro.. and a classic symptom is reoccuring, and intense migraines.
She then started to listen a little more, she's given me some tablets (25ml) also an anti-depressant I read on the instructions
BUT I am to see her next week for a blood test if I am still having the migraines.
Already spoken to the receptionist and no appointments until 25th, so it will do.
I'm now worried that if they DO go with this medication (doubtful as nothing works on them!!) that she will then dismiss the idea of fibro /cfs.
For the past few years I have not been diagnosed with fibro/cfs because I have been anaemic since I can remember and I believe that's masked this all but now I am ''normal'' blood wise I hope they can get to the bottom of this.
Hope you're all keeping well xxx