I'm running this by the Fibro forum. I'm new here and posted in other sections. The idea of Fibro did cross my mind last year but from what I read, it seemed possible but far fetched. After reading Fibro 101, I'm not sure anymore. I'm waiting for a Lyme test next week. Neuro ruled out ALS or other motor neuron disease.
Jan 109-June 10:
repeated sinus/chest infections.
anxiety attacks
unable to take a deep breath
dry eyes, mainly in left (normal eye exam, except dry eye issue)
left-sided abdominal cramps and hard-to-describe cramping-like pain
hypersensitive to medications, seem to impact me harder
tingling and numbness down left arm, wrist pain
sudden all over feeling of a sunburn, painful to tap me on the back or around the waist
hypersenitive skin went away in four days. Took an Imtrex and it came right back for a few days. (Took a big mental note of that)
migraines x four years now
tension headaches
IBS (for many, many years)
TMJ (severe)
*normal bloodwork, normal eye exam, normal CT of sinus and lungs, normal pulmonary.
This all stopped over the summer and returned in Nov. 2010. I took Imtrex after and didn't have the problem.
Nov 4, 2010
Passed out on the couch with a headache (started mildly at night and wake up with a ranging headache). Awoke from couch, slept all night with hands behind my head and legs dropped over the end (heavy shoes on too). Horrific headache and nasuea. Took Vicodin. Didn't work. Took Imtrex, which eventually worked, took a few hours. My neck was very, very sore and stiff.
Next day:
Tingling over right shoulder blade that turned into "locked muscles) and huge knots, terrible pain and couldn't get relief from it. Pain down right arm like tennis elbow, could barely move arm. A week and this went away, moving into left arm and growing in intensity, then down left left. So far, no problem with right left. Muscles tense and muscle ticks pop up all over my body. Tingling and numbness in fingers, strange sensations, such as hot spots on my legs, shivers on one side followed by feeling of cold water over same area, generalized and roaming musle twitches. Major neve pain down back of leg and into ankle making walking uncomfortable. For awhile, felt like my left good was asleep even though I was walking on it. When the nerve pain starts (thinking the muscle contract and really make the nerves go crazy). Joint pain and stiffness. Runs of weird heart arrythimas, grinding teeth bad, hand and foot cramps, cramps around left lower breastbone.
Mind you, this hits different areas and not all at the same time. But, there's a great issue with the left arm and leg; however, left arm did feel better today but then flares. Eye twitches, twitches have even run up and down my neck and felt as if they were in my ear canal. Sensation of heat on the left side on my face.
I assumed Fibro impacted both sides of the body at once so I dismissed this as a possability. I do have disc herination in my neck but not idea about the back. Today i developed a super sore lower back on right side, like someone punched me in the kidney or something. I also get these odd spots that feel like bruises but there's not bruse. I'm in pain, yes, but not in the way I've always read the Fibro sites describe. I'm sore and feel like I've been running or something, even when I do minor work. Even wearing heels made my butt hurt for two days.
Today, I have spot on the inner part of left knee that is such a pain point, like a bad bruise, which of course isn't there. I get joint pain and feelings like my left arm is swollen, it's not, it's painfull nerves but not swollen, but what kicks, it makes typing really hard.
I actually feel better when I'm up and moving, like I have this nervous energy that has to go somewhere.
Been taking Neurotin and Xanax, which help a lot. I can type all this without feeling that carpal tunnel feeling because of those drugs, fingers work great when those drugs kick in. The muscle twitches calm a bit but they're still there.
But, this isn't going away and keeps morphing into other things. I had a very bad panic/anxiety attack fearing I was dying of something but once the neuro didn't find anything, that panic calmed (just a bit) but the problems are real and not going away. With all this, it's easy to see why I'm saying, this isn't right, something is going on.
I used to take Vicodin for my bad back but I can't take the stuff, it makes my muscles hurt more, I have some weird response now to that.
This is really freaking me out, naturally, so I don't mind posting just to see what others things, another member suggested it and it can't hurt.
I'm so tired of this. This keeps changing and it won't go away.