Dragonfly, I don't post on here very often but I wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I have had the same symptoms for years but for some reason the only time my back & sides don't hurt is when I am lying down. Go figure, huh.
Have you ever seen an orthopedic doctor for your back? I do have fibro but I am 53 and have osteoarthritis in my spine which has caused alot of osteophytes or bone spurs to develop. You may have something more going on besides just the fibro. I've had lumbar & cervical fusion already so my problems may not be the same but years before the surgeries I had the same issues as you. At that point I had a tear in the annulus (outer lining of the disc) at L/4-5 and that started alot of my problems. It doesn't take much to give you pain when it comes to your spine. My hips and sides would hurt at night and wake me up after only 2-3 hours of sleep and I was up. The doctor put me on muscle relaxers (flexeril). Not sure if they relaxed the muscles so much but they kinda knocked me out for the night so I could sleep better.
My fibro and arthritis really flair in the winter months. I've noticed that before a front moves in the barometer starts dropping and the pain and swelling of the back gets alot worse. Yes, it feels like someone beat me with a hammer sometimes. Also, my knees where the fibro tender points are hurt to the point where I am limping.
Let your doctor know what is going on. Possibly an MRI of your spine may give you an indication of something else going on. I use a nerve pain medication called neurontin (gabapentin generic) which helps with any nerve impingement pain and also ultram (tramadol generic) for overall pain (this is non-narcotic). Actually just good old tylenol does help me alot, I can't take any nsaids with my other meds. These are both very cheap meds so they won't break the bank for you. Everyone is different though so what helps one person isn't necessarily the right med for all.
Good Luck and let me know if you find anything out.