Hi, Findmybliss, and welcome! Doctors say it's not progressive. I've had it for 24 years and I'm a little worse. But, I'm also 24 years older so age plays into it. It is important to keep moving as much as possible. There are some gentle stretching exercises on Fibro 101 that are done sitting down so you could do these at your desk. Also, get up and walk around as much as you can get away with. This will help you too.
Try to put yourself on a sleep schedule. Go to bed and get up and the same time every day. That helps you fall asleep and sleep does help with the pain. I'm on a sleep schedule. I usually fall asleep right away but I wake up several times a night. But even so, I get enough sleep to get by. Also, getting out of bed to run to the bathroom helps with the muscle pain, too. I do a lot of stretching throughout the day and that helps keep my muscles more flexible.
I really hope the supplements help you. They have helped me quite a bit. They are a safe way to hopefully get some relief. You just need to get control of the pain. You won't be pain-free by any stretch of the imagination but you can still have a good life in spite of fibro. Attitude plays a big part too. Try to look at all your blessings and avoid tallying up the negative things. You will be far happier that way, too.
I'm so glad you joined out family and I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Hope to hear more from you soon.