Hi Mattee~
First of all, Welcome to the Fibro Family. I don't think we've met yet. And second, please try to relax. I'm sure it's very difficult to have RLS and then someone tells you to relax is almost a joke, but if you can try it sure would help. The more you worry the more things are going to feel weird and out of control.
I don't have RLS but have had bouts where at night my legs will jerk and jolt around. Also, my arms/hands will all of a sudden fling our and whatever I'm doing goes with it. Could be my lunch fir all I know. Often it's the puter mouse or a pen if I'm trying to write. Those are always fun...NOT!
If I may ask a couple of questions it might help you, me or others think of things that might be happening. Of course the best answer will come from your doctor. You are out of meds, right? Have you had the prescript
ion for a long time and finally ran out, or are you taking more than directed because of pain and are out before it's time for a refill? The latter happen often and to the most honest and unsuspecting people. When we are distraught with pain we will do almost anything to relieve it. If you have been taking pain meds daily for more than a couple of weeks, then you will have withdrawal symptoms. That might have something to do with it, in fact a LOT to do with it. Are you having any other withdrawal symptoms like nausea, headaches, vomiting?
One thing you can do to help with the pain in your arms and legs.....first off don't push on them if you don't have to. It only makes it worse. Also, keep those muscles that are the most tender very warm. Bundle up, use a heating pad, soak in a very warm bath...whatever it takes get those things warm and keep them warm. Heat is our best and first line of defense.
But most important, please get to your doctor. If you have taken more meds than you should it might be best to just tell him what happened and why. If you have a good doc he/she will understand. That one is your call. A better idea would be to keep a pain journal and keep a record of your pain. Take it with you when you see your doctor and he can not only see that you're serious about
this but he'll have a real picture of your pain levels and how they react during the day. Here's the link to a free journal page.
It's also listed in the Chronic Pain 101 at the top of the page. Just copy one for each day and be judicious about
filling them out.
We've had many people over the years who have fibro and RLS so rest assured that you're not alone. So warm up those legs and arms and keep us posted as to how you're doing.
Warm hugs,