Thank you, everyone, for your warm welcome and words. I feel better, today. Right now, I'm just soul-searching, trying to figure how this new-found facet refracts light (if you get the metaphor... sorry, I'm a geek. Did I mention I was a computer guy? lol). Nice to know there are others out there for me to run, cry, laugh, and vent to. I live in an area that's kind of out of the way, and we just moved here 6 months ago so I could finish my Bachelor's degree so most of our friends are 1600 miles away.
My wife, son and I are all about
to head to Souther California (Ventura) for two weeks, so I'm about
to have some major relaxing time (my favorite hammock!) and reflecting time (my fav. beach!). My Great Grandmother is still alive and very healthy, and I have a son. So a Great Great Grandmother is about
to meet her first Great Great grandson. How often does THAT happen! I'm going to use this time to relax and get my head on straight so I can come home and start making changes.
Debbie - I meant my wife was emotionally stronger than me at this point. She's handling everything really well. I know what you mean about
the OTC medicine. It does absolutely nothing. Worse than nothing, too much hurts my stomach. Tramadol actually works REALLY well for me. And when I said end up on the couch, it's exactly as you described. Not nearly enough energy to do anything, but constantly moving trying to find a comfortable position that's just never going to appear. iend up playing video games most of the day, or read. Those two things really help take my mind of constantly thinking about
the pain and discomfort. Luckily, the fog (so far) is fairly rare, so it doesn't effect me too much.
Denita- Thanks for being so
open. It really makes me feel less alone knowing I now have "people"... lol.
Miriam - I'm definitely going to start trying that stretching bit. On top of this, I have a bum knee from a major fall I took in the Navy (12 ft. to a steel deck), and I've been doing these excercises everyday for the knee, so I'm just going to add the light stretching to that routine. I can see how it would help. Stretching does hurt, but feels good too (like its supposed to, I suppose) unless I'm in a flare-up. So I'll take it light and let you know how it works for me. Thanks for the advice!
Rose - I will definitely give it a read! Tomorrow, my wife and I are going on a two week vacation to see family in sunny southern California (Ventura). So some MAJOR relaxation is in my near future
But that also means reading, so I'll probably go over it then.
To EVERYONE - Thanks again for your words. I can't say it enough how encouraging it is to me to have a group who gets it. And I know this is VERY off topic, but I'm a computer guy, so if any of you need help, or want advice in that are (I know computers can be intimidating) let me know and I can totally help you out!
"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find
rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
-Matthew 11:29-30