Sarah, I have been in antibiotic for 8 days for sinus infection. The Dr. said I didnt need a decongestant, just anitibiotic. My headache was better but started again. Its so hard to figure out what causes what pain and what to do to relieve it. Sometimes I just want to take a strong pain pill and not feel pain. I am SOOO tired if trying to feel good. So much expense and stress anf frustration. I am going to go get a decongestant, not sure if it will help. What the heck, its only money. I dont need it for anything other then Drs or meds. Sorry for attitude, Im really hurting today and have so much I want to do. Do your teeth hurt also. I have been meaning to ask my Dr. if my teeth hurting is my arthritis or Fibro. I dont know how to feel better if I am not even sure what is causing it. I seriously am thinking about
a stong pain killer. I have Tramadol and it does absolutely NOTHING for me. I am going to go back on Savella as soon as I get this headache taken care of. Savella causes me to have headaches when I start it so I have to fix this one first. Think Im going to call it a day and go to bed
I just cant cope today. Thanks for your reply.