I take adderall and it makes the fibro a little worse because of it being a stimulant. But I would rather have a little pain than all that fatigue. So it works for me. And they say that the narcotics make you depressed. So it is a viscous cycle. I guess. It is like with all the side effects, maybe eliminate one at a time. See what happens. But you wonder if you went off of them all, maybe everything would be normal. lol... I know that isn't possible. But many meds do have side effects, I guess it is what we can tolerate. Some meds such as antidepressants, the side effects go away after a couple of weeks. And it takes the meds six to eight weeks to reach their full potential. So a lot of it is patience. I hope that you find what works for you.
Hugs, Karen
PS With fibromyalgia, it is often hard to find out what is "just us". I guess we have to accept the fact that it is us now. I am sure that you have a lot of questions as to what is what. But eventually you will just go with the day and live. Try not to analyze too much. For some reason it just leads to more questions. Have a good day!!!