I have been looking around in the forums for a while and finally decided to join today after a horrible appointment with my new rheumy. I could really use some advice. I have been struggling with fibro treatment for almost a year now. I am uninsured so I have had a horrible time finding a doctor that will even see me. I finally find one, get to my appointment, and it goes like all the others. The doctors look at me like I am crazy and I am there to get drugs and then don't help me. I have been in a flare for 3 weeks and can't get any help. The doctors will give me the Cymbalta, but I can't get any pain medicine. I am just so frustrated that I have a disease that is characterized by chronic pain and I can't get pain medicine. I am at my wits end with this. My entire life is on hold because of the pain. I am having a really hard time keeping up with my 3 boys, I have had to quit working, I struggle to get through my housework on a daily basis, I can no longer have sex because the pain is so bad, and I forget EVERYTHING because my mind is so focused on the pain. If that is not grounds for help and treatment, I am not sure what is. Has anyone else experienced this from doctors? I can understand this attitude coming from the general public, but you would expect the doctors that are supposed to care for you to take you seriously instead of assuming that because I am young that I am out for drugs. Any advice on finding a compassionate doctor that is willing to treat me would be great! Maybe some advice on how to handle the current doctors that don't take me seriously?
My other issue is more on the emotional end. Lately, I have been feeling completely useless. I am devastated about giving up my career. It makes me feel like I am not contibuting my part to the family. I feel like I am no longer a suitable wife because I am not going full speed ahead all the time and I am not able to fulfill his needs very often anymore. He desperately wants another child (me too!) and we are not able. All of these things make me feel completely useless. I really need to find a way to make myself feel important and useful again. I could really use some suggestions because this feeling is really depressing!
Thanks for letting me vent! I really needed it!