Hi All,
My son has Fibro and he has suffered a great deal over the past two + years. We had made many trips to the ER.
My son has been searching for another reason or a more concrete reason for his many symptoms. TeresaR your symptoms sound a lot like him.
He hates so bad that bloodwork does not show a definate reason for all of his pain. His blood work comes back normal same with the MRIs-Cat scans-EEGs -X-rays ETC. They thought he might have Chrons-he can't sleep- he has hyperventilated. he has shook real bad and cried not knowing why-he has cronic daily headaches-they say he is depressed and he says he is not but he is in pain!! It is real VERY REAL!
But he no longer thinks that it is Fibro-My son did a whole lot of research and he has
come up with a different diagnosis. And I may need to change my user name.
Post Edited (sonhasfibro) : 6/1/2011 9:57:34 PM (GMT-6)