My sister has been after me for years to do yoga with her. But I have always had this picture in my mind of people chanting and just weird positions LOL but I decided to give it a try and she started teaching me last night.
I told her to be gentle with me since I was having issuess still coming off the Cymbalta and my vision is blury and I am having dizziness issues and I have a cold right now too.
We did it for an hour and a half and I have to say it was a lot of fun and she was gentle and it did help me a lot. Helped with the IBS issue last night LOL and it helped me to sleep pretty darn good. We are going to do it twice a week right now and keep an eye out for a class too. I figured that I would go to the gym three days a week, yoga two times a week and then two days of rest.
Right now I am trying to figure out how to afford a hot tub even without the heater on full blast to be able to soak in warm water would be great wihout having to fit into my tiny bathtub.