Hello again,Sherrine.
Thank you for your helpful suggestion of writing in paragraphs. The idea never entered my mind.
Yes, what I think are 'trigger' points do feel like a bad bruise when I press on the spots, & there's a little bump under the skin, especially the sore muscles on my shoulder areas. Where the knees are concerned,
it's just a tender spot on the insides of my knees. It's the same for the insides of my elbows..just tender spots, but no round bump.
The Rheumy I'll be seeing would be my first appointment with her. From the reviews I've read about
her on ratemds I think I'll be in good hands. It wasn't me who hired her, I'm being sent to see her because of a referral from my Neurologist. The MRI's were done Aug. 13 & I don't know if she'll have a copy of the results when I get to her office. Perhaps the Neuro sent copies, but I'm hoping to have the results by way of "MyChart" from the hospital where the MRI's were done so I could take a copy with me for her to see. She is a board certified Rheumatologist/Internist.
I have considered asking the Rheumy to test for Lyme, & Lupus. I'm with the understanding the either ENA or ANA tests for Lupus, as well as Scleroderma, etc.etc. I'm not sure how to go about
asking her to do this without making it sound as though I'm trying to tell her how to do her job. Perhaps I should just bite the bullet & downright ask. Example: "Could we please check for Lyme and Lupus"? How does that seem to you?
Yes, you're so right. The Rheumy is working for us (or me in this case). I'm sure if there's anything to be found, the Rheumy will find it. They're like a physican on steroids...they keep digging 'til they get an answer.
I wouldn't be surprised though, that things may be blamed on what's going on in my spine, especially the cervical. There's arthritis for sure, which is what my GP told me yesterday. Just to what extent, I don't know. And yes, the muscles on the back of my neck become tight & sore. A while back, I was a little concerned that I might have PMR, but I hardly think so now. More than one chiropractor has told me about
my shoulders, & blame the soreness etc. as being postural along with what's going on.
Thanks again for all your help. If you have anything further to add, it would be most welcomed.
Enjoy the rest of the day!!!