This is a quote from Opana's site:
"Like other effective centrally-acting analgesics, some of the additional effects of oxymorphone can include euphoria, anxiolysis, promotion of sociability, and other similar effects that can cause psychological addiction to the drug. Also, like all other opiates, oxymorphone is physically addictive and can cause opiate withdrawal symptoms."
You are so young and I know you are in pain but I hate to see you become dependent on so many narcotic drugs when your whole life is ahead of you. Opana is a powerful addictive drug and is used for long term, dibilitating pain with so many dangerous side effects....especially if taken with other opitates. These mixtures can be lethal. They also lose their effectiveness which means you have to keep upping the dosage for relief. They can also have a rebound effect which means they can make your pain worse.
I have had fibro for over 20 years and have never taken a narcotic...and I am not trying to compare pain levels or diminish what you are feeling. Fibro comes in flares and these episodes will pass. It is for that reason I choose not to take pain killers that will give me widthdrawal effects during that period of time when my pain levels are tolerable and I don't need the drug. That is just my choice and I certainly am not pushing my decision on you. But you asked about our opinions on Opana and this is mine. It is a 'last resort' class of drug and I perosnally would not want to hop on that band wagon just yet.
One last bit of advice: Do your own research before taking any medication. Many doctors only know what drug reps tell them. They do not thoroughly check on interactions nor do they research what other doctors my have prescribed for you. I know this from experience. Now, I always ask my pharmacist to see if what I am being prescribed can be taken with my other prescriptions.
Good luck on your journey and I hope you find the right combination that works for you.