Posted 10/9/2013 9:22 PM (GMT 0)
Hi Sera,
You sound a little like me. I have pain in my hip that was so bad last week I couldn't walk and if I had to I was walking on my tip toes on the right side to keep the muscles from pulling on might right hip as much. I also took prescription muscle relaxants to help me to sleep. I was crying a lot, too. I have had this problem before but this time it was way worse. I've been diagnosed with arthristis in hips, knees, fingers, spine and neck but this was so bad. I went to a new chiropractor last week and she confirmed that my low spine is definitely turned to the right and twisted slightly, probably because I've been babying that side. She explained how this is causing me pain from my hip join and down the leg. The IT and periformis muscles/bands are really really painful. I had a myofascial release massage several weeks ago because it helped last time. This time I only got a little relief and it was short-lived. Plus, the massage was excrutiating. She said I had a lot of lactic acid and was just a bundle of knots. I tried using one of those therapy rollers myself but it hurt really bad. I had a chiropractic adjustment yesterday and it felt better for a while. I should say that I'm on Cymbalta, 90mg for depression and pain. The dose is high to help with pain. But I can't sleep and am so tired. My doc told me to drop down to 60 mg a few weeks ago but the pain came back strong. After a week I went back to the full dose which helped, except for sleeping that is. I'm wondering about Protandin. My friend takes it and says she hates to see me so miserable and believes it will help me. I've watched all the documentation about it. Curious about other people and their thoughts on it. I would suggest that you have xrays taken if you haven't yet to rule out a need for surgery and to pinpoint the problem. Sometimes the pain is referred, like I'll get it really bad in the gluteus area. I've also had physical therapy for this and it did help. They actually had me strengthen my back not my hip. You can also ask your doctor, therapist or chiropractor for stretching exercises. Type in HIP PAIN in Google Images and then pick an image that shows where your pain areas are. I know I have pain in my piriformis and my IT band, my hip socket and my gluteus, sometimes around and under my knee.