Yes, I have had the gangioside test done and it's always out of range, and my neuro does consider my neuropathy caused by an autoimmune disease. I did a 24 hour urine test also, and they say my cortisol is ok...of course it was low or my PCP would not have wanted it tested to begin with.
Sometimes I have issues with blood work "normal ranges"...those ranges are normal for normal people, but what if you do not fit that normal zone?
So, did you go gluten free? Lots of people have great improvement when they go gluten free, and it has to be totally gluten free, not just a little. It's not like diabetes where you can have a little sugar, absolutely no gluten.
I do not get flu shots. My PCP said we will not worry about them until I am in my 60's or so.
Do you take B12 now? A level of 1000, when taking B12 is just a reflection of what you take. My B12 level was 1899 and my neuro said it's fine as long as it keeps me off of meds, which always make me very sick.
So, I take 5000mcg of B12, 5000IU of Vit D, and I walk every morning. I also lost over 90# which helped so very much.