I can't for the life of me figure out where my brain goes at night.
I have a tendency (we were discussing this on another thread recently, so I know I'm not alone here!) to wake up at night, when I should be settling down for sleep. Tonight I got into a cleaning jag at 9:45 - loaded the dishwasher, did some pans by hand, wiped the counters and stove, then decided to clean the coffeemaker with vinegar (which happens about once every 2 years, so of course it had to be tonight) - so I'm boppin' around, happy as a clam, when I notice I've been doing this for over an hour.
My bad! I know I can't do so much without taking breaks, especially late at night. Don't feel much yet but some dull aches, but I sure will tomorrow. It's like I don't get the same signals from my body to back off that I do during the day.
How many of us do this, I wonder?