Hi Namian~
And welcome to the fibro family! I'm sure there are are many others who are in a similar situation as yours. After all...we don't 'look' sick, do we? We were able to do a lot yesterday, why not today? These are such hard topics and situations to get those we love to understand.
One thing you can do is to make a copy of 'The Spoon Theory". It was written by a gal with Lupus who was trying to explain to her friend the same situation that you are in. She does a wonderful job of explaining that we only have a finite amount of energy and when it's done we're done. If we keep pushing we'll be down longer than is we quit when we've reached our limit. The similarities between Fibro and Lupus as far as energy goes are striking. So when she writes about
Lupus you can substitute Fibro and it's just the same for us.
www.butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory-written-by-christine-miserandino/Print off a copy and either read it to your friends or send it and let them read it for themselves, substituting Fibro for Lupus. I think it will shock them and give them something to think about
. There's something odd about
the human brain and how it combines what the eye sees with logic and knowledge. Fibro is confusing, to say the least. We appear well to the untrained eye. We tell others we're in pain and from what they can see they just don't get it. Plus, they don't want you to be 'sick'.
If for some reason your friends won't listen then you might have to cultivate some new friends who's life is more like yours. It's hard to do but surrounding yourself with upbeat and fun people is good medicine for those of us with fibro.
Hope this helps,