I was on ssi for several years due to pain with a past ankle fracture that never healed correctly. I have trouble walking very far and then pain in my arms got too bad for me to do repetitive motions. I had to hire a lawyer. I got lucky with the ssi rep. She was new and one time she sd i had not job skills then later she sd I had computer skills. She sd I could take tickets in a movie theater when I was having problems with repetitive movements. The lawyer sd the rep was crazy and I was granted it. I went back to school 2ce with vocational rehab. The money I was rec from ssi was next to nothing due to hubby's job. They finally took me off it cause i did not rec any money from them. I got a job at a call center 6 years ago but do not how much longer I will be able to work . If I lose it, will try again for disability.
The thing to remember is like someone else sd: keep your mouth shut unless asked a direct question. Think before you answer. Do not try to direct your answers, just be honest. One problem people seem to have as per my dr, is to downplay symptoms or level of pain. Be honest. They may say you can get this job, or that job, when those jobs are not available in your area. Unfortunetly they do not take that into acct. Try to look at your file before the hearing. There maybe something you need to talk to the lawyer about.
Good luck.