Robin, I don't see it as complaining, just venting your feelings. BUT if you want to complain - you go right ahead. If it helps to get it out and relieve any stress for you, go right ahead. We all understand and we all stand w/ you.
I also wear bangs due to skin issues. I have been waiting for our insurance issues to get settled so I can see a cpl of drs, one in particular for my skin.
I understand your concern re the meds, I hope and pray they cause you no harm.
The weekend away sounds wonderful! It will be so good to see your family and for them to see you. So your little doll is turning 3 tomorrow, that's great. You will be here to celebrate many b/d w/ her. I Believe!
Have a great time, you will be missed, but you will be back.
God bless. Alice.