Hello lostandlonely,
I'm a newley diagnosed FM patient myself, so I can't entirely relate to the years you've spent suffering with this condition. My symptoms have come on in a vengeance this past year however, so I do know how majorly sucktastic they can be, especially for those of us already inclined to pessimissm and melancholy. I've never been a chipper person myself, by this past year has been a long painful drag of doctors, blood tests, school work, social complications, deaths in the family etc...
The weather also does terrible things to my joints. Oh Mother Nature, I'm a tree hugger--why must you torment me so! I live in the tropics, where humidity is a constant, and It happens to be the rainy season.
This disease also hinders my ability to be happy, mostly due to the fact that I'm finding it hard to feel fulfilled in anything. The lack of concentration and brain fog has really started to affect my time at school, and a well-meaning but otherwise un-sympathetic family doesn't help either.
Here's my suggestions for you, from one FM sufferer to another:
Try to find a hobby, becuase hobby work can relieve mental and emotional stress and leave you with a sense of fulfillment that you haven't been able to get in your day to day life.
-I love to knit, though this past year has made knitting anything a chore as my hands and fingers are among the top targets for my FM. I still knit though, even though it hurts. Because really, i'm just going to hurt anyway. And the final product--well, sometimes I need to cover a hole with a button or a flower, but darn it if I don't feel proud to have done something right.
-Reading is also another great hobby. I find a tremendous amount of solace in the stories of others, be they fictional or biographical.
-Abstract painting can be another nice hobby, especially for those of us who aren't good for drawing anything resembling..well, anything literal. When I try to a draw a person, it usually looks pretty horrendous. But with abstract, some random blob can take on a lot of meaning.
-Floral arrangment. Might sound odd, but it is suprisingly peaceful. For one of my Japanese classes, I had to present on Ikebana(tradtional Japanese floral arrangment). It was a lot of fun and very educational, but most importantly it was FUN.
-Poetry. I'm not sure if you're much for writing, but you might want to give poetry a try. I'm working towards my English major at the moment, and my real love is creative writing. I've even managed to suck up the courage to join a writing group, after years of writing exsclusively for myself. When I'm feeling sad, hurt, or angry, I write poetry. It's a wonderful outlet for free expression. It might be the best therapy out there for us melancholy folk.
-Baking. I love to make food. Especially yummy baked goods. Being able to create something that will in turn serve you in a way is very rewarding
-Swimming. My joints always feel better in the water.
I hope some of this helps.