i am wondering if anyone can tell me if this sounds like fibromyalgia. first of all, i have pain, sometimes severe, in my ankels, knees, hips, shoulders, wrists, neck and jaw. i am always tired and have a very hard time staying asleep. and i also have some memory problems.
i started seeing a rhumeatoloigist a couple of years ago due to severe pain associated with soriotic arthritis. come to find out i did not have soriotic arthritis, just herniated discs in my lower back. had surgery in july of this year and still had pain. then had an epideral in august. oh, by the way the rhumeatoloigist said something about rhumeatoid arthritis. i also have soriosis that i take Enbrel injections for.
i have gone through physical therepy for my back surgery but had to stop cause the pain just got worse all over my body. it almost feels like i have been in a bad car wreck, the pain gets worse with any activity.
any help would be greatly appreciated. any questions just ask. thanks, Brad