Hi, Sunny, and welcome! Yeah, fibro can be pretty miserable but there are ways you can help yourself. First of all, if you sit or lay too much, you will be stiff as a board and have more pain. Gentle exercises every day should be part of your agenda. I walk my dog for 30 minutes every day and sometimes twice a day. I will swim, too. Yoga is another gentle exercise to do. If you live in a cold and snowy area, you can get walking-in-place videos and get the movement in that way. It really does help with the pain!
I also do gentle stretching exercises and I pace myself when doing things. It all gets done but in a different time frame. Gentle massages and moist heat help me too. Many here have a Bed Buddy. You can get these at Walgreens and other places. I have one that goes around my shoulders like a shawl and it feels so good.
I take malic acid/magnesium supplements and vitamin D3 supplements and these have helped me with pain and fatigue, too.
Be sure to check out Fibro 101...the second thread on the forum. There are links to good information about fibro and you will learn a lot there. The gentle stretching exercises and info on the vitamins and supplements are found here, too.
Set daily goals. If you don't have direction, it's too easy to stay in bed and be sad. I set daily goals that I am confident I can achieve. At first I didn't get everything done that I set, but I just finished them the next day. It makes you feel sooo good and you are accomplishing things, too. Be sure to pace yourself. It all gets done but in a different time frame. I will clean for about 20 minutes and then sit down and rest for a few minutes and then clean some more. I generally keep my computer on and go back that way.
For example, I'm having Thanksgiving at my house...15 people! YIKES! I started planning and doing things last week for Thanksgiving. Today is using my steam cleaner to touch up some spots. I'll do it for a short time and then take a break. I'm not looking forward to this, mind you, but I'll be beaming from ear to ear tonight when I look at how nice my carpeting looks. You honestly can do far more than you think you can! It just takes a good attitude and a little planning. I'm no spring chicken either. I'm 64 years old.
Having a positive outlook on life has really helped me more than any medication could. Instead of looking at the negatives in my life, I look at the positives and then I do feel happy! Right now I see you have a wonderful hubby and children and a roof over your head. You are so very fortunate. If I look at the negatives, I make myself miserable and everyone around me miserable, too. I'm far happier looking at the great things life has to offer. This helps with my pain, too, and I am able to accomplish things I never thought I could because I will try now! There is a good article in Fibro 101 about the steps to a positive attitude. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do. I still go back to that, too.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. Hope to hear more from you soon.