I am also a nurse and had to stop even a paperwork position. I feel bad for you. My life came down to..if I had to work then I went to bed the second I got home and never scheduled 2 days in a row. Motrin every four hours barely got me through the shift. Now, 3 years later and not working, I still have great limitations
but through some unfortunate events, BP spikes and tachycardic episodes I was put on xanax and that actually allows me to sleep without hideous pain and somehow relaxes my muscles to a point that I am no longer in pain even at rest. Activity, exacerbates the pain but resting pain has diminished a ton! A tiny, tiny dose .125mg helped immmediately. You must work with your doctor closely if you go this route though. It sure beat lyrica and neurontin for me as far as side effects. Goodluck!