Holy guacamole!
Last night I opened a bill from the dr's office where I got my steroid injection a couple of weeks ago. Then I about spit out my burrito. The total cost was almost $3,000 and our share is almost $1,000! I was incredulous. My poor hubby, who's trying to make ends meet in a slow season, didn't even want to think about it so I can't bellyache to him. My SIL and her son have had these, I can't believe she left this little detail out.
I called their office this morning just to confirm that it was right. Yep. The even better news is, I'll be getting a separate bill from the doctor who tortured me. Apparently, they usually explain everything (like the cost) to the prospective shot-ee ahead of time, in a letter or over the phone. But since I got it right after an appointment, it was rushed and they left that little detail out. I figured probably $100 at most, and felt guilty even about that. I did ask someone when I was signing papers, but she didn't know.
Now I feel like a real rube for not pressing the issue beforehand. NO WAY would I have done it if I'd known, especially because I already knew I would need surgery - this was just to help with pain beforehand. Well, if it's helped at all, it's not much, and I'm still sore where he stuck me!
I guess it just means we'll hit the deductible faster. Gee, I can't wait for the actual surgery bill - 30% of which we'll have to cough up.....don't get me started on our healthcare system...