So this may get lengthy but I am desperate for help.. Please stick with me here. So the past four months have been a living hell!! I don't know what to do. I am scared I might have Fybromyalgia. I am a 23 yr. Old male.
It all started probably in November, I started getting pains in my abdomen. Right side, went and had a CT that showed Kidney stones. Okay, then not long after that I had a bad sinus infection, followed by pains in the muscles of my throat. Then after that it proceeded to chest pains. I seen a doctors several times throughout this period, last November-December. The doctor got mad at me for keep showing up. He gave me a EKG came back fine. Stress test. Full Bloodwork and everything Came back fine. Okay, my problems still persisted. I went back to him, he said I had a panic disorder, prescrbed me Avitan. Told me to leave and see a psychologist. I did. She offered little help. I only took the Avitan in severe situations. My problems seemed to get better. Little pain.
Come January, my abdominal pains returned had several visits the doctor and Emergency room, only to be told I have kidney stones, their not moving. Shouldn't be causing you pain. Went back to a different doctor, he said see a urologist, gave me a third bottle of vicodin, I have two bottles of 5-500's and a bottle of 5-325 at this time. I took them throughout the month of January, but before I could see the Urologist I had a bad, bad episode after eating. I went to the doctor, told him I think it may be my gallbladder. I was admitted to the hospital since painkillers weren't helping, seen the surgeon who gave me a HIDA scan, it came back abnormal. January 25th I had my gallbladder removed, it was severly inflammed. I started to feel better but had severe bouts of Depression, stress and anxiety. I was still taking the Vidodins, off and on. Then I started to feel better, then I had an attack with Kidney stones again. Then back on the vicodin for a couple days. Okay, then I started to get abdominal pains again, went back to my doctor who referred me back to the surgeon, a couple a weeks ago I had a Endoscopy and Colonoscopy that all came back fine. He figures my pain is either related to my Appendix tho CT's show nothing abnormal or a irritated Ureter from kidney stones, or just abdominal wall pains..
Since then, even before then. Along the way I have now developed weird problems. Severe stress, anxiety, depression. Muslces aches everywhere, backaches, tightening in my throat, tingling in my hands, arms feet, chest pains, always tired, wake up tired. Get bouts of being really cold or really hot when nobody else notices it. Headaches, tension headaches, migraines, NEVER have high blood pressure, always runs normal. Today, my head feels better. But my chest hurts, stomach hurts, back hurts, arms hurt, back of neck and head hurts and I got severe tension throught my upper body. It changes, my pain moves around and it makes no sense at all!! It can hurt in one spot, then move to the next.
I'm currently scheduled to see my psychologist on the 18th, I can't get in any sooner. I can't deal with this stress, depression anxiety any longer. It's like I'll feel better, then fall right back into the hole again cause I start to have pain that doesn't make any sense and has been detected by NO test. I dont' know if it's all just Anxiety, stress and depression causing my pains or something like Fibromyalgia. I am scared cause I take care of my 58 year old mother who has Rheumatoid (SP?) Athritis. I see how miserable and depressed she is everyday and I don't want anything like that. OR if maybe my problems are coming from after effects of Anesthesia or from me being on Vicodins, or maybe I'm just crazy like the doctors think. It can't be from the Benzo's because I only took them here and there in sever situations and I have not had them in awhile... Somebody.. Please give me some advice, help? I'm desperate. I've never felt this way in my entire life..