Council lady, I have fibrom also as well as RA and ive learned over the years that massage is great but the most awesome help i have found is trigger point therapy read up on it and try to find a therapist who is a Specialist in this therapy. they can start easy with you to begin with, and work within your pain level.
and they can teach you how to work your trigger points with tennis balls. a hot tub or hot bath is also good to help relax. I broke my back in 2002 and this brought on the fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthrits . and i tried sooooo many therapies but got the best results from this. but a word of caution.... if you take pain killers or meds of any sort and have for a while, then drink PLENTY of water the day before and after. i like to flood myself to keep from getting a headache and nausea from the therapy. anyway this has worked for me so i hope it will help you.