I have had fatigue, body pains, stomach issues, mental issues, muscle spasms and weakness, etc for years. Just last week I was told the doctors could find nothing wrong with me through tests so I was diagnosed with fibro. Come to find out it was more than just sore muscles! The problem has always been that I would feel like death but then get better. So It was like I was wearing the doctors out but then I would stop going. I have even been diagnosed Bipolar 2 at an early age but I never felt that was right and the drugs just made me feel worse. The "fibro fog" is horrible! I thought I was having a stroke. When the fog was bad so was the pain & then the migraines set in. Over the passed year and a half I have been iron deficient, vitamin D deficient, B12 deficient, & in the passed 3 months alone I've had 3 colds, bronchitis then pneumonia!! Not to mention I've been in physical therapy for shoulder/neck pain so bad I couldn't breathe or sleep. I had finally had enough so I went to a new doctor that did what none other had done. She put all my symptoms together. Sometimes I wonder if its really Fibro or something more serious like heart problems but I've been tested for almost EVERYTHING. My blood pressure runs 100/60 - I do just chest pain & short of breath but she says thats part of the disease. I just don't want to hurt anymore!! I'm 34 & have felt like I am 80!! The doctor has started me on Savella. So far its made me horrible spacey, nauseous, and just yucky BUT when I take the little doses the horrible body ache (especially in my hips, legs, ankles) lessens. So Can anyone offer any insight? Should I stay with the Savella? What works well for everyone? I guess I just feel the need to connect with others that understand what I'm going through...