I came down with fibro after having a cold/sinus infection every other week for a year.
At the same time my white blood count was under 4000 and had been at that level for
a few years--I went back and checked my medical records.
This is now my daily routine for keeping colds/flu/sinus infections away.
Every day I take garlic, vit C, olive leaf and zinc. At the first sign of anything
I take unkwa, echinaccea, homeopathic cold meds and start using a neti pot.
This has worked well for me, I now usually only get one minor cold a year and
recover rapidly from it. I'm also very careful about being around sick people and
like someone else already said I keep my hands away from my face and wash
my hands often.
The last two times I had my blood work done my white count was over 6000, back
in the normal range.