BG....So is the only medication you are on is the opiates of Opana and Hydrocodone?
Not that some people can't be helped a bit by this, but most Rheumatologists do not prescribe really strong narcotics to treat Fibro pain. And it could be the dosages you are on now are having a real sedating effect on you and adding to your fatigue.
It's usually used in conjunction with a nerve pain/Fibro medication like Savella, Lyrica, Neurontin, or Cymbalta. And then as Sherrine and other mentioned....a muscle relaxer is extremely helpful...There is Flexeril, Robaxin, Skelaxin, Soma or Baclofen.
Are you saying you have tried every single one of these medicines?
It sounds more like an anxiety attack that you are having then an allergic reaction to the medications as anxiety is not a side effect of a muscle relaxer as it's the complete opposite effect on the brain.
As well as some side effects will go away after a few weeks. Did you try each of these meds for a full few weeks to a month?
Not trying to say that you shouldn't be on the meds you are on at all...I'm just trying to say that treatment for Fibro is about
a comprehensive approach using every modality one can. The opiates themselves are only "dulling" the pain all over and aren't meant to help with any muscle or nerve pain which is prominent with Fibro.
And as you are saying...even the opiates you are using are not working for you. This is why we are trying to recommend talking with your Rheumatologist to look at all the other options.
Are you also on medication for your depression? This is where many get success with Cymbalta as that can help with nerve pain as well as depression.
How about
an exercise plan? Has your Dr. put together a plan for you that includes this, yoga/stretching, massage, acupuncture, or aqua therapy? How about
eating healthy?
I switched to eating all Organic 2 years ago and this alone has made a huge difference in my energy levels. Getting out all the toxins from preservatives, artificial colors and additives has also aided my digestion.
Another thing that I take is one Ambien at night. This was prescribed to me after my last cervical fusion..And it was like a miracle to me to finally get to stage 4 sleep. Of course there are many natural ways to enhance sleep and only moved to a prescript
ion after everything else is being done but didn't work. I sleep with all different pillows to align my spine, I sleep in a cool room, and every single light off. As well as I shut off the computer and tv about
a half an hour before I fall asleep and listen to a book (set on timer) on my phone. So it is so soothing to lay in the dark and have a story being told to me! But this helps get my body/brain ready for sleep.
Just trying to put out some thoughts/suggestions...
Post Edited (Snowbunny21) : 8/6/2012 10:18:18 AM (GMT-6)