I hope the rheumy you see on the thirtieth of November turns out to be a good one--it seems as though they are hard to come by.
I have had the same experience you describe...doubting yourself and wondering if it's all in your head. It just makes me mad for you...don't these doctors realize that it's our lives we're talking about here?!
I know this thread is about you, not me, but I'm suffering through a similar situation...I've had tons of tests by my rheumy, and nothing is showing up, however she says that although "fibromyalgia has a big umbrella" (meaning that a lot of symptoms are attributed to it), "if yours is fibro, it's the oddest case I've ever seen." Thanks--that helps.
The thing is, she can't tell me what it is, if it's not fibro. I tell her all of the symptoms that I have that I read over and over on this forum. I'll admit that one odd thing is that all of my issues started with swollen lymph nodes, which is not a symptom experienced by most with fibro.
But the problem is that I've been dealing with this "stuff" for a year now, and what she basically told me at my last appointment is that it's not progressing, so even though she has no idea what's wrong with me, she's now content to treat the symptoms, and I guess I'm supposed to be ok with not having a diagnosis.
Well, sorry to ramble on for so long, but I wanted you to know that I understand when it comes to unsympathetic doctors. I hope that your next appointment goes well...be sure to keep posting!