So I was really happy that I had got my job back and the Dr had taken all restrictions off. I had called my work last week and they said they were putting me on the scheduale for today. Normaly my work calls to confirm that you are going to be there. I didn't hear anything from them, so I called and asked if I was still on the scheduale only to hear that I wasn't. They said to keep calling because they claimed they didn't know how the rest of the week was going to be. Any way that was such a let down. I feel like they are making excuses and really don't want me back due to the back problems that I had been having while working there. Then to top it off I have been waiting for this pain relieving gel that my Dr orderd for me only to find out that it cost's a $1000 dollars and my so called discount parmacy card isn't paying any of it. I have no Idea what to do. I was going to look for another job, but am so worried because of the fibromayalgia. It is so unpredictable and if the flare up is bad enough I know I wouldn't beable to work through that. Yesterday's flare up was one of those kind. I just don't know what to do anymore. I know I'm not as reliable as I used to be due to the fibro. So can anyone give me advice as to what they might do? I have so much going on between trying to quit smoking, weening off the pain meds and now this. I need all the advice I can get HELP