Hi, Aunt Dee Dee, and welcome! I'm sorry if I offended you with anything I was saying but I do stand by what I said. Jacob Teitelbaum has made claims, sells supplements at his site (yes, I'm sure he makes money with this), sells books and is or was the director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers. It seems to me that he should be held responsible for what doctors are prescribing at these centers since they are affiliated with his name. You implied that he doesn't have control but if he is the director, he should have control.
Your experience sounds different than Donna's friend, but that friend went through that nevertheless thinking that since it was a Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Center associated with Dr. Teitelbaum, it would be just fine. Apparently not so. That bothers me. Yes, every person should do their own homework when it comes to their health but some don't or don't know how and just trust a name they have heard about. That's why I said in one of my posts that you do your own research, talk to your doctor before taking anything, etc. We with fibro do need to learn as much as possible about this illness since we have to be our own advocates.
Here is a link to a Chicago Tribune article this past May about all the numerous problems the FDA was having concerning Dr. Teitelbaum.
Here is a link to Dr. Teitelbaum's protocol for chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. After reading this, I certainly can see how you can rack up $800 in supplements.
I'm very happy that you did have some success with this. I just have a major problem with anyone offering a "cure" for fibro since doctors don't know what causes it in the first place. Just the title of his book...From Fatigue to Fantastic...is implying a cure to people that are suffering so much. We do know what helps one doesn't necessarily help another. There are things we can take to help us...anything from Tylenol and supplements to narcotics. We can change lifestyles and do gentle exercises, etc. But there is no cure...yet.
Have you had the opportunity to read Fibro 101...the first thread on the forum? There is a link called Doctors Respond To New York Times Article that is very good. Most of these doctors have spent their career studying fibro and are now thinking this is a neurological problem. I do hope they find out in the near future. When they do, it will be all over the news. Here is a link to that article.
I have had success with a few supplements. Malic acid/magnesium supplements have helped quite a few on this forum including me. There have been blind studies on malic acid and how it helps with the pain of fibromyalgia. I also use vitamin D3 and sometimes a product called Curamin that has four herbs including tumeric in it and it has helped too. Notice I say helped. I don't claim any cures. I take other supplements to help my body including CoQ10 (I take a statin drug so I take this.) and folic acid to help with absorption since I also have Crohn's disease. Yes, what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another and that is stressed on this forum. It's a trial and error process, unfortunately.
So, I do welcome you and we will just have to agree to disagree on this topic. I have given my opinion and you have given yours. It's up to each individual to decide what they want to do. Again, I'm sorry if I offended you and I hope you will stick around with us. We do have a wonderful group of members who love to help one another and, as a bonus, we really do care about each other too. I hope to hear more from you soon.