This past week or two, i have had to describe in details to different people how i feel, and how my health issues effect every day life for me. I find it very hard to get it across to people who do not know me. My dh says i tend to down play my symptoms and issues. I hate sounding like i am pathetic or just want things like drugs or help. I recently had to go to my rhuemy, have a review for an electric wheelchair, be evaluated for physical therapy (back issue). I have a hard time with how people see me.
I try to take someone with me for visits, esp dh. This is not always possible. For example the lady with the chair eval asked how far could i walk without pain. I had no idea what to say. I knew if i guessed, it would be wrong because measurements are terrible for me. Dh said 30 feet. I answered a question about the level of pain and dh corrected me saying if i am laying in bed crying from pain, a number of 7 or 8 is not correct.
My issue is how to acurately tell people when everyone has a different preception of pain and problems?
I just want a life, I want to be able to be with my family and do things. I am soooooooooo tired of hurting.
Also, do you feel like you go to so many different drs (specialists) for different symptoms that each one is focused on thier specialty and not seeing the overall problem? I think my rhuemy is on the right track. Wish me luck, I go back on 12.20.12