I get "chest wall pain" also known as
costichondritis (spelling). I started getting it when i was pregnant with my dtr 26 yrs ago. My mom also gets it and she first got it when she was pregnant with me (too many years ago). My cardio knows about it and said it is more than likely related to the fibro. I have had a heart attack but i went to the er many times with the pain. Many ekgs, just to be told infection in the chest wall.
I was told when in doubt, go to the er. Better safe than sorry.
If i lift anything remotely heavy, such as a gallon of milk, it will cause it to hurt. Dh is always fussing at me for lifting things, such as trying to carry a bag of groceries.
Even if your cardiac test comes out normal, do not put off going b ack to er if you feel it is necessary. I had a stress test in Feb and then had a heart attack in April. Be safe.