I read a couple stories about
people and how they noticed that fms pretty much snuck up on them.
As For myself, I was wondering how you could be perfectly normal one day and be miserable the next. I thought I got this overnight, but in reality my body was gradually giving away symptoms that at the time unless you are an expert on the subject there is no way for you to know....
One day I remember sitting across from my boss having a normal conversation, when my left arm went numb and my heart started racing out of the blue. Then an anche in my left arm took place and I visited the ER where they ruled out any lung or heart issues.
The next day I got a Cortizone shot in my arm and that made the pain better and for months I didn't get it again until one day I started feeling exquisite pain in a very weird area near my left shoulder blade. it was a pain that my husband could pinpoint with his finger and when he pressed down it hurt a lot. Back then I didn't know it was a trigger point...
Then one day months later all of a sudden my right leg felt very happy and I had a very dull ache that sent me to the ER and I got tested for Lyme and it was negative but that excruciating pain on my leg Dr's could not explain... a week later I developed terrible pain in my neck, then my shoulders and upper back, then I fell ill with what I thought was the flu and this sudden, frightening weakness in my arms and hands that 'till this day are my biggest concern...all that took place in approx 7 monts building up anxiety in me and taking away all my goals and pleasures in life to the point where I lost my job and whatever motivational drive I had in me...
But I have learned to accept it as I have no choice, just as I'm sure all of you have done. Share your stories with me...I would love to read them. Thank you all for your time and God have mercy on each and every one of us!!