I work with children, and I can completely empathise with having to struggle through an active job that needs a lot of emotional energy when you’re flaring…
I also have some co-workers who never even give 50%, let alone 100%... And I find myself working harder to compensate when all I want to do is hide under the desk and cry for a bit.
Your job must be 100 times harder than mine, and I have so much respect for anyone who can do it well, let alone someone facing the added challenges of Fibro.
Have you tried the stick on heat patches (heatezz, I think) under your clothes? They help me get through the colder weather. And salonpas patches. And ginger tea.
(Ginger because it stops me feeling nauseous, and it’s helps ease pain levels and inflammation… And it’s the only herbal tea that doesn’t taste horrible, lol.)
I’ve also had a lot of success with some yoga breathing techniques. These DON’T reduce pain at all, regardless of what some gurus may tell you… But they do slow/stop the fight or flight response you’re body goes into when you’re in pain.
For me, this makes the day so much easier. I don’t get as anxious, I don’t get as over emotional… The general stress reduction makes me less snappy and frustrated.
I’m not saying any of the above are a miracle treatment, but frankly some days I need to throw as much as I can at the Firbo. Knowing that I’m doing something (even something with a tiny impact) helps me survive the day mentally, and not feel like the Fibro has all the control.