Funny you should mention it, but no one has physically examined me. Just by test results. No blood work even. I'm baffled. Do they think I'm lying about
all this? They did an abdominal CT w/ contrast too, and I was told it didn't show anything significant. Wouldn't that have shown pancreatitis? I'd think someone should be running some labs.
As for meds, I've only been taking the daily stuff that I have to take. Savella, YAZ, ambien, soma. I had to stop all my pain meds and vitamins cuz I couldn't take it anymore.
Pregnancy would have to be a miracle. That's all I'm saying about
My family Dr (God bless him) told me even before I saw the GI that if he wouldn't do anything about
it, to come back to him and he'd ((family dr) would take action. I'm still just baffled by all this. They are going to make me think I'm crazy!!