Hello Rockon, and Danaj3,& All,
I am sorry to hear of the condition of UR fingers. As I understand all to well what you are dealing with. So sorry.
I too take the same meds you take. I have also purchased a hand & foot paraffin wax spa. It's just wonderful. I use it all the time. With 5 layers on warm paraffin wax and plastic bag then a MIT to keep them warm.
My joints are misshapen in my rt. hand curled fingers and cannot flatten my hand
open on a flat surface.
I have psoriatic arthritis & Duprytrends Contracture . I don't notice if u mention UR diagnosis Rockon. UR dr. A rheumy?
My fingers, hand wrist are painful as the heat and exercises from PT help the most as meloxicam stops more damage. Apremilast is another drug alternative for all my joints are painful . This drug is a PDE-4 protein blocker a bio drug. I am Leary has anyone else ever taken any biologic drugs? Lyrica is one. Has some scary side effects. Bio drugs really aren't my cup of tea.
Hope you feel better soon. Peace & healing.
(( hugs ))