I get BAD menstrual migraines. They last anywhere from 5 to 10 days (no joke). I've tried triptans. Magnesium (750mg/day), Vitamin B2, Midrin, vicodin, Oxy, pain patches on the forhead, ice, moist heat. If it's an inbetween headache, migraine, one of the above will work and fairly well. When it's a menstrual migraine, NOTHING WORKS!!
I'm on a low does birth control pill. I've tried other pills (they reek havoc on me).
Has anyone had less headaches as a result of going OFF birth control pills? I just read that tonight that sometimes helps. I was due to have a hysterectomy in Jan but GI problems ruined that for me. I haven't had any GYN pain since then so I haven't gone back to schedule it. Now I am seriously reconsidering it since my headaches have been SO BAD!! If it ain't 1 thing, it's 6 others!!! I SWEAR!!!