Yep, last fall. It wasn't bad at all. The prep was the worst part, and it wasn't that horrible. I used Miralax and Gatorade. I also have had trouble with nausea in the past, so I took a small dose of Phenergan. If you feel nauseous, your doc can call something in for you.
The colonoscopy itself was a breeze. You get (or at least I did) an iv and wait til they take you back. Once in the scope room, I breathed in an anesthetic and wasn't aware of anything until I woke up in recovery. 30 minutes later, I felt fine, walked to the car, went home, drank something, slept a bit, got up and ate with no after effects.
If your doc gives the results to a family member, make sure to have the family member write down exactly what the doc says. My dh was kind of fuzzy on my results *rolls eyes* (I had polyps), and I was frightened until I could call my doc the next day. Often the docs won't give the results to you verbally that day because you aren't awake enough to process it.
BTW, my polyps were fine. I just have to get checked more often. But knowing that can possibly save my life.
Good luck. You will be fine.