My new Neurologist completely ignored the F-word Fibromyalgia. And focused on my migraines which I told him I take Sumatriptan for, AND it works. So he puts me on Topamax. I'm thinking; maybe this will help Fibro pain. By the 2nd day of 25mg, I woke having electric shocks in my brain with every movement. This is the same symptom I had when I had Viral Encephalitis 4 yrs ago. So I was completely freaked out. I was having such severe pain from spine to head, I took an Oxycodone. And wallah! The electric shocks slowed down and stopped. Then I googled Topamax and electric shocks.
I'm appalled that Drs prescribe this horrid med for anything other than last resort relief. I've read people actually take it for weight loss.
I'm SO disgusted and scared of our medical system after 18 yrs of this.